

Queries the Appliances room plan devices and tells you which devices are currently ON.

The LastUpdate timestamp is subtracted from your current Domoticz server time to calculate how long the appliance has been on for. If very short, it's returned as "just now", if very long as "more than a day" — otherwise, as HH:MM.

Invocation options (choose based on grammar-fit):

Alexa, [ open / start / launch ] StateReport [ and ]
Alexa, [ tell ] StateReport [ to ]
Alexa, [ ask ] StateReport [ to / for / if / about ]
Alexa, [ get ] [ from / using ] StateReport
Alexa, [ from / using ] StateReport

In place of '', fill in one of the options below:

Wordings starting with e.g. 'my', 'the' or 'a' are to be used with the [ get ] syntax.

my appliances
the appliances
is {Device} on?
is {Device} off?
appliances left on
is the {Device} on?
appliances still on
is the {Device} off?
any appliances left on?
what appliances are on?
any appliances still on?
appliances currently on
did I forget any appliances?
were any appliances left on?
what appliances are still on?
what appliances were left on?
did I leave any appliances on?
